Film de sexe Kiara Lord, Chaîne de films de sexe Kiara Lord De nombreux genres

Kiara Lord

Kiara Lord's life is all about porn, porn, and more porn. From the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to sleep, this tasty tart has pussy on the brain. Before taking the plunge into the XXX industry Kiara was studying to become a nurse, but she just couldn't focus when there was all that dick out there just waiting to be sucked. Finally she bought a one-way ticket to Porn Valley where she was confronted by some of the most beautiful cocks and gorgeous labia in the biz. When Kiara started shooting, the smut biz was not only floored by her cute booty and great natural tits, but also the way she begged for Danny D's penis. It turns out she's been dreaming about it for quite some time, so we surprised this fan-gal with the one and only Brit dick. We loved watching her screech with delight at the sight of that long strong dong, and we're even happier with the way she fucked it all the way to orgasm town.

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